Bournville Harriers
Established in 2000, Bournville Harriers (BvH) has grown to become a popular and competitive running club in the heart of the West Midlands. They are based at the Rowheath Pavilion in the beautiful 'leafy' suburb of Bournville, home of Cadbury's chocolate. Their distinctive teal coloured club vest has been worn at events around the world and is proudly worn by our members regularly competing across the region.
Members all share the common aim - the desire to run, to improve our performance and enjoy the experience of running. Bournville Harriers look to encourage the runner in all of us and to make membership of BvH as fulfilling an experience as possible, where team performance and achievement are allied with personal improvement, participation and enjoyment.
Bournville Harriers meet every Monday and Thursday at Rowheath Pavilion. For more information see here.
Bourn-Running is an initiative working in partnership with the Rowheath Pavilion Church to provide opportunities for people to improve their physical fitness and sense of well-being through running.

Run, Walk, Talk: Revive and Thrive
At the heart of Bourn-Running is the aim to make your journey to fitness an enjoyable one! Whether you want to try running for the first time, are an expected runner looking to meet new goals, fancy walking with friendly people, or need 1-2-1 fitness advice, our sessions offer the variety and flexibility that have the potential to transform your life both physically and mentally. At the heart of Bourn-Running is to provide the opportunities to improve your health through physical fitness and lifting your mood and self-confidence. It is hoped that the courses on offer will leave people thriving, not just surviving!
Bourn-Running is part of Rowheath Active; working in partnership with Rowheath Pavilion.
Bourn-Running offers the following sessions during term time:
Couch to 5k and introduction to running classes
For adult beginners with little or no experience of running and who want to improve their overall fitness levels in a friendly and supportive environment. These 10-week courses are available during term time:
Wednesday mornings (term-time) at 10:45-11:45am
Sunday mornings (term-time) at 9:00-10:00am
Suitable for adults who can run 5k without stopping or want to meet new running goals!
Wednesdays (term-time) at 9:30am
Sundays (term-time) at 9:00am
Whether you are a new or experienced runner, need motivation and structure to improve your fitness or are beginning to exercise for the first time and need advice and encouragement, please contact Alison Davies at